WuDae The Hague | Wing Chun Kung Fu Self Defense Gym

Boy Zandbergen

Which Hageneese doesn't actually know WuDae from the outside?! We've all driven past it. And finally I took the step inside. The crisis and lockdown gave me the insight to learn a self-defense/martial art and rediscover myself. The positive stories and professional appearance confirmed my choice for WuDae. The welcome reception of Bas, with tranquility and humour, creates an atmosphere of safety and trust. I immediately felt at home. Bas has gathered a great team of trainers who teach Wing Chun with him in an enthusiastic and passionate manner. This is a place where you are challenged. Wonderful to be here. Just what I need. And perfect that I can walk in 6 days a week at 3 times a day to get lessons. Only good reasons to start training at WuDae.

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