Humans of Wing Chun:
Claudia Harleman

Claudia Harleman 1989 The Hague Incredible Future

Year of birth: 1989
Profession: Self-employed Entrepreneur / owner: Incredible Future
Place of residence: The Hague

Get to know yourself and your talents

I have always been very interested in psychology, especially in the way people think and why we have certain thoughts. I deal with this a lot in my work and daily life.

What I find very interesting, for example, is that a certain situation, emotion or feeling is given the meaning that we as humans give to it. By being aware of this, you can also deal with the challenges that life offers in a different way.

Studying and entrepreneurship

I became a mother when I was seventeen. My son's father was not in the picture, so I raised him alone.

I was still in high school at the time. I actually wanted to study psychology after my Athenaeum. However, I did not seem to be able to combine this intensive study with a job and caring for my son. That's why I chose to study tourism management in Amsterdam, a shorter and less intensive study that matched my passion for travel. On the days that I had lectures, my son and I took the train from Leiden to Amsterdam. While I was taking classes, he stayed at the daycare center across from my school.

In addition to my son, I have also become the proud mother of a daughter. As a single mother, I noticed how difficult it can be to find a good work-life balance. I had to combine caring for my children with my work, making sure that I could pick the children up from daycare on time after work so that I could spend some time with them before they went to bed. But when my position at work became redundant, I decided to take a new direction and became self-employed. When I was twenty-two, I started a temporary employment agency, which fortunately also gave me more flexibility to be there for my children.

A new challenge

A year ago I sold my employment agency and decided to study cognitive behavioral therapy. This inspired me to develop a gap year program for the new generation: GenZ. A program that contributes to their personal development and gives them the opportunity to discover what drives them.

The obstacles I have overcome in my life have made me more resilient and resilient. I've noticed how certain life skills can enable you to achieve your goals more easily. It is precisely these skills that I want to teach young people. These are lessons that you don't learn in school, but that are essential for dealing with the challenges you encounter in your life.

With my new company Incredible Future we take young people to Curaçao for 19 weeks as part of their gap year, for a fully organized work-study program. In a completely new environment they work on their development through coaching and workshops. They get to know a different way of life, come into contact with new people and local projects, and immediately apply the newly acquired skills in their role as a recruiter. We will start with the first group in August of this year, I am really looking forward to that!

People and nature, a source of inspiration

If I had to describe myself, I would say that I am loving. I am happiest when I spend time with the people I love. For example, I really enjoy traveling with my children; Hawaii is my favorite destination. It is such a beautiful island! The nature, the people, the pure way of life. You are always out there and that gives me so much energy!

Nelson Mandela is a great example for me. He has had such a tough life and yet remained so strong. The willpower he shows shows that you have the choice to make something of your life, to continue and fight for something. That is really a reminder for me in daily life.

Claudia Harleman 1989 Den Haag Incredible Future deel 2

Keep moving

My children give me an awful lot of energy. I am also an avid sportsman. From dancing to running and athletics; sport is something I can express my feelings in. I always used to be the fastest in class, now I especially love being in motion. I go running at 5 o'clock every morning, sometimes with music, sometimes with a podcast. For me, this is a wonderful start to the day, a moment to disappear into my own world.

I often saw Martial Arts come up in films. I think it looks so cool and the people who practice this sport are often very calm, composed and mentally strong. That really appealed to me so I started reading about it and soon I knew it was definitely for me. I myself am always very busy in my head, so the idea that training Wing Chun makes you stronger both physically and mentally appealed to me. I decided to sign up for a trial class at WuDae and would recommend everyone to do the same.

My focus has improved tremendously and I find that I can apply the principles of Wing Chun to work and private life all the time. As an example, the movements in Wing Chun focus on finding the most economical way to move, you have one goal and that is forward. For me, this is simultaneously a reminder for everyday life. What choices do you make? Is there a more effective and efficient way forward possible?

Claudia Harleman 1989 The Hague Incredible Future part 3

Just do it!

That is my life motto. You never really know anything in advance; instead, the idea is to experience, adjust where necessary and move on again. This is where you learn the most in the end.

If I could go back in time, I would say to myself that not everything has to happen so fast. That there is enough time to enjoy, even while on the road. That's also something I like about WuDae. The atmosphere is very relaxed, you do everything at your own pace and help each other. So you never have to feel like you're falling behind. You have all the time.

Training with a goal

I just want to achieve that WuDae black shirt! I want to be able to move smoothly, fluidly and controlled without constantly thinking about it. Running is already totally in my system; with Wing Chun, it may be even more so.

I now train Wing Chun five to six days a week. I like to alternate the regular Wing Chun training with the Masterclass and Kettlebell training at WuDae. I also like to do the Impact training if it fits into my schedule. I notice that the different workouts make me feel muscles that I didn't feel before. I start to be more stable and can often concentrate better. To create peace of mind, physical exercise is very important.

What I like most about Wing Chun is that you are really working with yourself. You move from your own core and strength, you adapt to achieve your goal and become completely absorbed in your body in terms of energy.

I think there are many parallels between Wing Chun and entrepreneurship; you want to move forward, keep a goal in mind and adjust as you go. There will always be situations that you hadn't anticipated or thought of, but it's important not to let yourself get off track. As far as I am concerned, this is a beautiful way of life.

Floortje Dessing, but different

I used to want to be like Floortje Dessing. She has such a pure interest in people. I thought it would be great to travel like that too, to meet people along the way and make new contacts. We always think we know everything, but there is still so much to discover.

This is also something I want to give young people with my company, Incredible Future. I want to show them what is left to discover in the world. Physically and mentally go on a journey and find out what your calling is in life. In doing so, the human brain is very fascinating, for example when you realise how your thoughts affect your feelings and behaviour. By travelling, you get to know yourself, the people around you and the world better.

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A dream for the future

On my bucket list is skydiving, which seems like an amazing experience, a moment of complete surrender. Another dream of mine is to contribute to building a school in Africa. In Cameroon where my mother is from. Africa is the richest continent in the world in terms of resources and yet there is a lot of poverty. I see it as my duty to give something back to the continent where my roots are.

If there is anything I would like to teach in the future, it is emotional intelligence. Nowadays, you have almost all information at your fingertips, which means you need different skills in everyday life. Emotional intelligence should therefore become increasingly important in education. Your feelings are very influential; they can define your life. That is why babies are so wonderful; they are so pure in their expression. We always like them, regardless of their behaviour. As you get older, you often forget these things. I think it is very important to help new generations not forget that very purity and teach them to deal with emotions and desires.

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Learn skills you can always use

By training in Wing Chun, you learn skills you can always use, physically and mentally. Everything in life starts with movement, with doing. You help remind your body and head to take action.

WuDae is a very nice place to get moving. The school is open to everyone, and everyone trains in their own way. You automatically find your own way in Wing Chun here. It's a great way to get to know yourself and your body better, and to maintain a certain focus in a relaxed way.

Text and photos by: Robine Hillen

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