What includes martial arts?

A variation of martial arts

Martial arts are arts that consist of established systems and traditions from different fighting methods. This includes the Wing Chun Kung Fu we practice and also for example well-known martial arts such as karate, boxing and taekwondo.

Balance in body and mind

In martial arts, physical and mental actions are balanced as much as possible. As a result, the different forms of martial arts not only strengthen your physical speed and condition, but also your concentration, self-confidence and strength.

At WuDae we also work on strengthening the balance between body and mind. Wing Chun Kung Fu is a popular form of martial arts that reinforces this connection like no other. By training regularly, you will notice that you gain more and more control over your body and the actions you perform. Your self-confidence grows and there is more focus for the things you are doing at that moment. This gives you the opportunity to stay fit and you get the space and guidance to fully develop yourself.

Wing Chun Kung Fu

Unlike the grand moves that many people know from other martial arts, Wing Chun Kung Fu is a style of fast and short movements. Important for this style is that it focuses on self-defense. Although it falls under the heading of fightsports and martial arts, it is not the purpose of this sport to attack someone. The purpose of Wing Chun is that the moment someone else puts you or someone around you in danger, you use your knowledge and actions only in defense.

Would you like to experience this form of martial arts yourself?

Then sign up for a free trial class Wing Chun Kung Fu! In this class you will discover what WuDae and Wing Chun can do for you. Click here for more information about the trial class or send an email with your questions to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. We are happy to tell you more about martial arts and the questions you have about it.

Visit WuDae The Hague

Our school is located at Loosduinsekade 12 in The Hague. The school is easily accessible by public transport and there is ample parking space in the surrounding streets.

Even if you are curious but don't know yet whether Wing Chun is something for you, we are happy to give you a tour so that you can experience the atmosphere for yourself. As soon as you enter, you will find yourself in a different environment thanks to the gym is decorated in Eastern atmospheres. Here you have everything you need to train six days a week under the guidance of professional teachers. Will we see you soon?

What is Martial Arts?
WuDae The Hague
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