Wu Dae
It is very important for me to keep feeling free...
On my bucket list is skydiving...
I am a professional DJ and entrepreneur in the music industry...
Have a prosperous and happy Chinese New Year!
A successful day of training completed...
Two years ago I was preparing for an important meeting...
From Monday 6 January, we will again be open six days a week...
Christmas holidays are just around the corner...
What I have resolved to do is to really go for what I want...
It was a great day....
I just want to achieve that WuDae black shirt...
I see Wing Chun a bit like a puzzle...
I am originally from Canada and now live with my husband in The Hague...
Our dream is to enjoy life together in Spain after my retirement...
My children give me an awful lot of energy...
When my friend had a collision on his bike...
As far as my development in sport is concerned...
From Monday August 26...
If I had to describe myself...
A year ago I sold my employment agency and decided...
From today you will see them in blue!
I can also sometimes end up in unexpected places...
I have also always enjoyed tinkering. I used to regularly break things...
The summer schedule 2024: from Monday July 15 to Friday August 23.
I have always been very interested in psychology...
Running in the dunes with WuDae!
Musicians are almost always freelancers...
At WuDae you learn to transfer everything you learn to others...
All classes will continue as usual on Pentecost Monday!
I grew up with music. My mother is a conductor and my father is a musician...
May holidays and Ascension Day open
My friends often describe me as a social teddy bear...
We are open on April 26 and 27.
Safety before everything!
The annual free first aid workshop
Have a joyful Eid Mubarak
It's a wrap... a beautiful training day.
We are open on Good Friday and Easter Monday.
We wish you a prosperous and happy Chinese New Year.
Congratulations to everyone
From Monday 8 January
Happy 2024
We wish everyone a Merry Christmas!
Christmas holidays, the last day of classes of this year are coming... Saturday, December 23.
It was a beautiful day.
Also visit WuDae during the autumn holidays...
Congratulations to all participants of the Wing Chun seminar today…
From next Monday, August 21...
Great day! Congratulations...
The summer schedule is from Monday 10 July to Friday 18 August.
Actively spend your Pentecost Monday?
Today was another Wing Chun seminar.
On Ascension Day, May 18, 2023, we are open
We are open and...
Sun or rain…
We are open King's Night and King's Day.
Happy Eid Mubarak from WuDae!
The WuDae Wing Chun Kung Fu gymsac in the colour...
WuDae wishes everyone a Happy Easter.
We are open on Good Friday.
WuDae wishes everyone
Start the day off right with a run.
The WuDae morph of fleece, microfiber or merino wool.
The Hague is a bit safer again…
Workshop First Aid at the gym for WuDae members.
A promotional film about WuDae has been made in collaboration with the Municipality of The Hague.
Today was the first Wing Chun seminar of 2023.
Happy Chinese New Year.
WuDae will be open again from Monday 9 January…
WuDae wishes you a very Merry Christmas
The last class day of 2022 is Saturday 24 December.
Running, even when it is colder than zero degrees.
The friendly neighborhood cat who occasionally watches a morning lesson.
Last Saturday there was another Wing Chun seminar at WuDae!
Next Monday, November 21...
Have a happy Halloween!
If you want something else than training in a t-shirt… there is the WuDae polo.
All classes at WuDae will also continue during the Autumn Holidays!
If you want to experience Wing Chun, try the free trial lesson on a Saturday at WuDae.
Loyal visitors in WuDae's garden during morning Wing Chun classes.
Get Autumn-Fit with Wing Chun at WuDae. We provide trainings in the morning, evening & weekend.
Twice a week there is a running group for WuDae members in the dunes/forests/beach of Westduinpark The Hague.
Congratulations everyone on getting a new Wing Chun degree last Saturday.
Because it hardly ever rains in The Hague…
There will also be a seminar in September. The Wing Chun seminars are every other month.
Thanks for the testimonial Lida.
From September 10 an extra Wing Chun Basics class on Saturdays:
The WuDae single-walled drinking bottle made of stainless steel...
Every Tuesday and Thursday from 19:00 to 20:00 Impact classes.
Nice to welcome the new members to WuDae and to see old-members back in the Wing Chun classes.
From Saturday 20 August back to the normal schedule, Wing Chun 6 days a week. Wing Chun classes in the morning, evening & weekend!
The WuDae sport T-shirt is light and quick-drying...
Alex moved to Finland this week. We hope you will have a great time there, but that you will visit us often in The Hague. Thanks for the beautiful testimonial!
Congratulations on getting a new Wing Chun degree last Saturday.
New on our website, the WuDae calendar!
Running Training
Kettlebell Training
Free Trial Class
Loosduinsekade 122571 BM Den Haag
070 3884820
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